

2.作者於寫作期間曾多次與本人進行E-mail討論,並於作品完成後E-mail 給我。



 Cross-dress to Express Their True Selves

Once I had sat on the chair in the living room and lazily switched the TV channels. Suddenly, a program interviewing some cross-dressers caught my attention. Those cross-dressers described their lives and revealed their feelings. But I disagreed with their behavior and thoughts because I considered it abnormal for men to dress as women. However, at the end of the program, a female professor defended these cross-dressers against the common social value of stereotyped men and women. She exclaimed that those cross-dressers were just like the normal people, and they were brave because they dared to show their inward femininity. Moreover, she stated with slight censure that people who could not accept cross-dressers were narrow-minded and bounded by the traditional and conservative thought of gender stereotype. When hearing her words, I seemed to be hit by a huge stone right on my head. I started to contemplate questions like "Am I narrow-minded?" "Do I imprison myself in the small cage of gender stereotype?" and "Is that fair to criticize and despise those cross-dressers without knowing their motivations first?" Thus, I decided to investigate deeper into the types of cross-dressers and factors which lead some men to cross-dress and find out how people in Taiwan react to the phenomena of cross-dressing by distributing a questionnaire. Besides, Juliana, a Taiwanese cross-dresser, helped me with my investigation on cross-dressing as a counselor. I will exclude those who cross-dress for vocational reasons, such as performers, actors, and so on, because they cross-dress solely for the sake of their occupation.






 Generally speaking, cross-dressing covers a wide range of activities such as the theatrical and commercial personating, transvestitism and so on (Woodhouse 18). Regardless of the vocational reasons, Brenda, a cross-dresser himself, defines "cross-dressing" as people who dress up in the way as similar as their opposite sex, and the cross-dressing behavior is in conflict with the conventional stereotype. Moreover, Brierley roughly categorizes cross-dressers into five types as transvestites, transsexuals, fetishists, latent homosexuals, and exhibitionistic cross-dressers (10-15). And the cross-dressing behavior deals with the concept of gender identity (the private image), and gender role (the public image) (Woodhouse 4). People assume that a person is aberrant because his/her gender identity and gender role are not congruent.

However, each type of cross-dressers has their own reasons for cross-dressing. In the following paragraphs,I will discuss the different types and reasons and analyze the outcome of the questionnaires.

   一般而論,變裝者其實也包含一個蠻寬廣的範疇,例如:藝術以及商業上的表演、異裝癖,等等(參考:Woodhouse 18)。姑且先不論職業性的,一個變裝者Brenda,為異裝者(譯註:變裝、異裝,譯者不特別予以分別)下了一個定義──人們打扮成與其性別相反的


變裝行為觸及了所謂的自我性別認同及公眾的性別角色扮演(參考:Woodhouse 4),人們一般都假設一個人若是這兩項不協調就是脫離常軌。然而,每一型態的變裝者都有他們自己一套理由,在下面的幾個段落中,我將要討論這些不同型態的理由以及問卷調查的結果。

 In fact, the phenomena of cross-dressing have been existed for a long time and one type of cross-dressers is the transvestites. Male transvestitism means people who cross-dress for pleasure and wish that they would not be detected as women in society (Woodhouse 18-19).People transvestite for different reasons, such as changing personality, releasing themselves and masochism. In accordance with the statistics from

Brierley's survey, among 504 transvestites, 78% cross-dress for changing personality and they do not cross-dress for feminine-like impulse but for searching of feminine feelings (36). Each individual more or less has the characteristics of the opposite sex. For example, although some females look delicate in their frock or gown, they may have powerful strength, resolute determination and firm attitude that are the supposed characteristics of stereotyped men. By contrast, although some males have tough appearance, they may be tender and affectionate in heart as women. To explore their inner self and change their personality, they dress like women.

   事實上,變裝現象已經存在良久了,其中之一就是──異裝癖者,男性的異裝癖者變裝是為了樂趣,而且不希望在群眾中被發現其真面目(參考:Woodhouse 18-19)。這些人變裝有許多不同的理由,例如:改變個性、解放自己、虐待自己....而依據Brierley的調


 Furthermore, some cross-dressers experience transvestitism because they feel at ease when dressing as women (Brierley 1). They seek for a sense of calmness and relaxation by wearing women's clothes.

What causes them to cross-dress is that the social value unconsciously presses men with "male" responsibility, so they find a shelter as the role of women. Take Danielle who shared his experience of cross-dressing on the internet as an example. He is a mechanic and wears a stiff, greasy dark blue uniform everyday. But when going back home, he likes to relax and enjoy himself with pretty things. He exclaims, "Cross-dressing has

truly filled a void in my life; the ability to express my feminine side has given me great release." Therefore , to release themselves, some cross-dressers dress as women.

   甚至有的變裝者會成為扮異性癖,因為當她們穿得像女人時時更覺得自在(Brierley 1),同時也藉著如此來尋找那份平靜及放鬆,這是因為社會有意無意的給男性許多責任的壓力,導致他們扮演女人時好像進入了一個安樂窩。我們以Danielle為例──她在網際網路上與我們分享她的經驗──她是一個機械工,每天穿著油膩厚重的藍色工作服,但當她下班回家後,卻喜歡放開自己去享受美麗的事物,她說:「變裝真的是填滿了我生命中的空虛感,有能力展示我女人的一面讓我獲得了很大的解放。」。因此我們可以這麼說─變裝者穿成女人樣子是為了解放他們自己。

 Masochism leads to cross-dress as well because some transvestites have the masochistic tendency and enjoys being despised as passive roles such as servant girls and wearing female stuffs such as corsets, high-heeled shoes and tights (Brierley 37). For a long period of time, the social value deteriorates women's position, and this kind of transvestites also regard women as inferior roles. They like to oppress themselves

as the subordinate ranks. Unlike the other two types of transvestites who cross-dress for changing personality and releasing themselves, masochistic transvestites cross-dress merely to maltreat themselves instead of finding their gender identity (Brierley 37).

The three reasons--changing personality, searching for relaxation, and maltreating, are the possible explanation of transvestitism. The first and second points all involve with gender identity and gender role, which deals with the transvestites' inner feelings. They explore their feminine world and discover their gender identity with the help of dressing as women. As each individual owns his/her unique self-identity,

the cross-dressers also posses their own identity as females.




 The second type of cross-dressers is "latent homosexuals." Latent homosexuals involve not only biological sexual behavior with the same sex but also a broader pattern of 'development' and 'human relationship' that do not relate much to the copulation with the same sex (Brierley 44-45). As we know, homosexuals have been fighting for many years against the society's bias. It's but the recent years the public gradually accepts their

existence and treat them as common people. Actually, they do not confuse their gender identity with gender role.

They cross-dress merely for two reasons: one is "caricature" and the other is "political implication" (Brierley 10-11). Homosexuals hold "drag-queen" contests to make fun of the opposite sex, rather than to pretend to be the image. The other reason is that they cross-dress to defy the conventional society of its imposing on them a masculine and heterosexual life.

   另一種型態的變裝者是所謂的『隱性同性戀』者,此種同性戀其實不止牽涉到生理上與同性之間的性行為而已,它們還廣泛的與人際關係發展的模式有關,也不能單純的以同性間的交媾來描述他們(Brierley 44-45)。吾人皆知,同性戀者已經向社會的偏見宣戰了很多年了,直到最近幾年人們才漸漸的接受他們的存在並且以平常心對待他們,事實上這些同性戀者對他們自我的性別認同並沒有混淆,他們變裝只有兩個理由─一種是『諷刺』,另一種是『政治的隱喻』(Brierley 10-11),那些由同性戀團體舉行的『變裝皇后』選美比賽其實是對另一性別來開玩笑,而不想去假裝他們自己的形象就是那樣,前述第二種理由可以說是他們公然來反抗傳統社會中那種冠冕堂皇的雄性化的異性戀關係。

 With the help of cross-dressing as women, this kind of fetishists obtain sexual excitement. In The Kinsey Report, it explains the term "fetish" as a certain object required by a fetishist to reach sexual excitement (256). For some cross-dressers, women's underwear, garments, brassieres are fetishes and necessities in their sexual life. The reason for fetishistic cross-dressers is rather simple. They cross-dress to rise sexual excitement or reach orgasm. They feel in great need of doing so. Women's sexy clothes are attractive and charming to them. However, the public has different viewpoints towards the methods of obtaining sexual excitement. Most accept the methods of gaining orgasm by reading salacious magazines and watching adult videos but reject those by dressing women's flirtatious clothes. The public consents to the former methods but disagrees with the latter one. They accept the methods of gaining sexual arousal to certain extent, but what distinguishes the extent? If the public thinks reading and watching erotic periodicals and videos are acceptable as long as one does not interfere with others' lives, then why can't people accept the fetishistic cross-dressers who take cross-dressing as a hobby and do not bother others' lives?

   還有一種戀物癖類型的人會藉由裝扮成一個女人來得到性興奮,在金賽(Kinsey)的調查報告中,也解釋了『戀物』一詞即是戀物癖者藉由需求某些物件來獲致性興奮(256) ,對有一些變裝者而言,女人的內衣、褲、胸罩、等成為他們性生活中不可或缺的崇拜物或偶像,其實戀物癖型的變裝理由很簡單──他們只是藉換裝來提高性興奮進而達致高潮,他們極度的渴望去這樣做,女人的性感衣服對他們而言是極度的迷惑及被引誘,然而社會大眾對於以這樣的方式來得到性興奮,卻有不同的觀點。大多數人可以接受的,獲得性興奮的方法是閱讀色情刊物,看成人錄影帶,而拒絕以打扮成女人的樣子而獲得性興奮。社會大眾認同前者的方法而不同意後者。社會大眾只接受以特定方式來獲得性興奮,但要如何區分什麼是正確的方式?如果社會大眾認為看色情刊物及錄影帶,是可以接受的,並未干擾他人的生活。那麼為什麼不接受戀物的變裝者把穿女人衣服當成嗜好,而不影響他人?

 Transsexuals occupy a portion of cross-dressers as well. Transsexuals think they belong to the opposite sex and are only trapped in "wrong bodies" (Woodhouse 2-3). Thus, some of them tend to alter their gender role and live and work as the opposite sex. Transsexual cross-dressers are more determined to express outwardly their gender identity. As far as they are concerned, the born appearances are unimportant and only the inner selves count. Thus, they decide to receive medical treatment and change to the opposite sex. Transsexuals cross-dress because only in the "right" dress can they feel happiness and relaxation and perceive themselves as well beings (Brierley 12-13). But for transsexual

cross-dressers,they encounter many vocational problems. In Thailand, the Tiffany's show, which is performed by transsexuals, possesses the worldwide prestige and is taken as a special art. Nevertheless, transsexuals still are not considered tolerable in every place. The public remains prejudiced against transsexual cross-dressers. Life somehow is painful to transsexual cross-dressers because God misplaces them in the false bodies.

 The last type is exhibitionistic cross-dresser. Exhibitionistic cross-dressers involve greatly in sexual crimes and deal with "sexual disorder" and "sexual misbehavior" (Brierley 12). Brieley explains further that they are, in fact, associated closely with those exposeurs who show their genitalia to female (12). Wearing women's clothes is one of the means to scare people. They cross-dress merely to provoke fear from females.

   變性慾症也佔變裝行為的一部份。變性慾症者認為她們屬於另一個性別,她們被陷在一個「錯誤的身體」中(Woodhouse 2-3) 。因此,她們有些人會嘗試改變她們的性別角色,以另一種性別來工作及生活。變性慾症的變裝者對於把她們的性別認同展示於外,是比較有決心的。對她們而言,與生俱來的外觀不重要,她們內在的自我才重要。因此她們會接受藥物治療,改變成另一個性別。變性慾症穿異性的衣服,只是因為這是「正確的」服裝,使她們感到快樂,放鬆,展現真正的自我。(Brierley 12-13). 對變性慾症的變裝者,她們會遭遇到職業上的問題。在泰國,變性人的表演有世界性的聲望,被視為是特殊的藝術。但除此之外,變性人在每個地方都不被認同。社會大眾仍然對變性慾症的變裝者存有偏見。對於變性慾症的變裝者,生活因此是痛苦的,因為上帝把她們放在一個錯誤的身體裡。

  最後一種是暴露狂型的變裝者,暴露型的變裝者常被視為性犯罪,行為失調與脫序。(Brierley 12). Brieley解釋了她們為何如此,事實上,就像暴露狂暴露下體以驚嚇女性,穿女裝也是她們驚嚇別人的方法,她們變裝的理由僅僅是為了驚嚇婦女。

 The different types of cross-dressers that I discuss above have their own reasons for cross-dressing. As a matter of fact, some of the types and reasons are interrelated or even mingled with each other. For example, some transvestites may have transsexual tendency and some start their cross-dressing as fetishists. Juliana also says that he started his life as transvestite from fetishist. No matter which type they belong to, they all esteem their inner femininity. They oppose to the supposed gender stereotype for a long time though it obviously appears as a tough combat for them.

After the investigation on cross-dressing, I designed and circulated questionnaires. In my questionnaires, I ask whether the interviewees can accept the different reasons for cross-dressing or not. Totally there are 91 interviewees; 46 are males and 45 are females. The average age is about 24. The result of the questionnaires is revealed as following table:




 Acceptance(%)Reasons Accept All right Disagree

1 Changing personality 15.4   42.9   41.8

2 Releasing pressure 11   35.2   53.8

3 Homosexuals' defying social value 24.2   38.4   37.4

4 Masochistic tendency 6.6   18.7   74.7

5 Transsexuals' being put in the wrong bodies 34   44   22

6 Taking females' apparel as fetishes 6.6   20   73.6

7 Adding fear of others 3.3   13.2   83.5



1.改變個性─────────15.4   42.9   41.8

2.紓解壓力─────────11.0   35.2   53.8

3.同性戀者反抗社會價值觀──24.2   38.4   37.4

4.自虐傾向───────── 6.6  18.7   74.7

5.生錯身體的變性慾者────34.0   44.0   22.0

6.迷戀女人的衣物(戀物癖)── 6.6   20.0   73.6

7.嚇嚇別人───────── 3.3   13.2   83.5


As we can see, the acceptance of the reason that transsexual's being put in the wrong bodies ranks 34% which is the most acceptable one. In my opinion, people in Taiwan view transsexuals with sympathy and compassion.

The public may not think the transsexuals have mental problem. On the contrary, the public admit the transsexuals as the opposite sex and their putting in wrong gender roles is God's little prank. Moreover, the three most disagreeable reasons--adding fear from others, masochistic tendency, and fetishistic tendency rank separately 83.5%, 74.7%, and 73.6%. In my opinion, most people in Taiwan regard the behavior of the three types as sexual misbehavior and categorize the types of cross-dressers as mentally disordered persons. Furthermore, 41.8% and 53.8% of the interviewees' being unable to accept the first and second reasons reflect that people in Taiwan are still enslaved by traditional gender stereotype, that men should be masculine. Finally, when asked about their opinions of cross-dressers, 24 out 91 persons can agree with the cross-dressing behavior as long as they do not disturb others' lives; 27 feel cross-dressing disgusting and sick; 8 can accept the cross-dressers as the performers

on stage, and others do not write down their opinions. I think the public still can not accept the cross-dressing behavior because they may take the "natural law," that men should be masculine and married to women, is a regular and eternal rule. However, the natural law is made by human beings. For instance, recently, a report on homosexuality discusses that more than 450 species practice it (Kluger 43). Therefore, in my opinion, no really eternal 'natural law' exists because it's we human beings made it. And with the metabolism of generation, people will have different

definition of the 'natural law.' But still, there are still many people suffer from the conventional concept of gender stereotype.

   從上面可以看出生錯身體的變性慾,其認同者佔有最高的百分比,在我的觀點裡,台灣人們對待變性慾者是既同情又憐憫,大眾可能不知道變性慾者有心境上的問題,相反的,人們倒認為是上帝開了個小玩笑而把他們的身體弄錯了。我們更注意到,其中三個最不認同的理由,依次是嚇嚇別人83.5%、自虐傾向74.7%、戀物癖傾向,依我之見,大多數的台灣民眾認為這三種行為是錯誤的性行為,而將這幾種的變裝者歸類為神經病(俗稱瘋子)。接著再看,有41.8%53.8%的受訪者無法認同第一與第二道問題,這也反映了台灣民眾仍然被束縛在『男人應該像個男子漢』這種性別觀念中。最後當被問到了他們自己對變裝的看法時,有24位受訪者說只要不干擾別人們是認可這種行為的,但有27位感到變裝是噁心及病態,有8位可以接受舞台上的變裝表演,其他人並沒有寫下他們意見。我認為公眾仍然不能接受這種變裝行為,是因為他們認為男人就應該與女人結婚且要有男子氣概,而這是大自然永遠不變的定律。然而,這些定律也是由人類所定,例如最近有一項有關同性戀行為的報告指出,有超過450種物種是有同性性行為的(Kluger 43) 。因此我認為,沒有真正永久不變的自然定律,因為那根本是人類自訂的罷了!而且站在進化的觀點來看,人們對自然定律的定義是會改變的,當然在那之前,還是有許多變裝者受苦於傳統性別觀念之下。


Juliana, who says that she is a typical cross-dresser herself, emphasizes that "cross-dressing" is a kind of "personal hobby" and a kind of adjustment for life. If the hobby does not disturb others, the public should not accuse them as mentally abnormal persons. Moreover, within our emails, when I asked her how she viewed the future of cross-dressers, she replied, "In fact, I am pessimistic. I don't believe that the public can entirely accept cross-dressing within 10 or 20 years. So, I take cross-dressing as personal interest." She also protested cynically, "It is an unfair discrimination that most people think that if women dress as men, they are cool, but if men dress as women, they appear as 'sissy'."


 I think it is human nature to judge a person by appearance. Woodhouse also expresses, "Clothes speak our identity (11)." Our society requires that the physical gender has to match with social gender, which means that our society assign males and females with certain characteristics of clothing, behavior, personality and so on.

It is the stereotyped social value that decides whether a person's deed is normal or abnormal. For example, people once regarded homosexual unendurable, unforgivable and immoral, but nowadays more and more people can accept homosexuals. But it still takes time for people to receive homosexual as an ordinary deed.

Likewise, cross-dressers face the similar dilemma that the society despises them as aberrant persons.

However, are they really aberrant? I think we should think from the aspect that each individual has different hobbies and may have some personal private interests. And it is the question for people to contemplate that are those cross-dressers who take cross-dressing behavior as personal interests and hobby, and who do not interfere others' lives can be defined as mentally sick persons. Perhaps in the future not far from now, people can eventually abandon the bound of gender stereotype and have new definition of the 'natural law.' And people should view and treat each individual equally as normal persons.


 Works Cited

Beasley, Ruth, and June M. Reinish. The Kinsey Institute New Report on Sex. Trans.

王瑞琪,莊雅旭,莊宏毅,張鳳琴. Taipei: 老師, 1992.

Brenda. "Who Am I." Heterosexual Cross-dressers Anonymous.

(1992) n. pag. Online. Internet. 12 Dec. 1998. Available FTP:


Brierley, Harry. Transvestitism: A Handbook with Case Studies for Psychologists,

Psychiatrists, and Counselors. New York: Pergamon Press, 1979.

Juliana. Letter to the author. 9 May 1999.

Kluger, Jeffrey. "The Gay Side of Nature." Time 26 Apr. 1999:43.

Woodhouse, Annie. Fantastic Women: Sex, Gender and Transvestitism.

London: Macmillan Education Ltd, 1989.

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